The Application Process includes:
For our Nursery Programmes, between each October and following June, applicants for the following school year can select the nursery programme in the form of the Online Application for Immersion Bilingual Nursery Programme, and then follow the instructions from our admission office to proceed. 2023-2024 School Year PlayNursery Programme is available for applicants born between 1st Sep, 2022 and 31st Aug, 2023. Pre-Nursery Programme is available for applicants born between 1st Sep, 2023 and 31st Aug, 2024.
Transfer students for Kindergarten 1 to Kindergarten 3 level class can select preferred entry date in your Form of Interest Registration for Transfer in Immersion Bilingual Nursery & Preschool Programmes throughout the year. Please keep in mind that only limited placement might become available depending on various factors.
Application for Nursery & Kindergarten Programmes
Thank you for selecting Julia Gabriel Centre to begin a dramatically different learning journey for your child!
Admissions of our immersion bilingual nursery & preschool programmes are carried out once a year. Applicants should be born before the cutoff date of 1st Sep.
Admission into our programmes is in general on a first-come-first-served basis. Siblings and transferring students across campuses have priority over new admissions. We also proactively make our effort to build a multicultural environment and a well-balanced community with families sharing and supporting our philosophy, objectives, and values.
Many of our Nursery and Kindergarten families started with EduDrama® in PlayNest and PlayClub Adult Accompanied Programmes, where teachers work side by side with parents to engage with and encourage their children to make some of their very first attempts in learning and developing life skills. This mutual trust must be established in order for a child to gradually become independent and confident in their ability to manage the world outside of their home. Kindly note that the current PlayNest / PlayClub students have priority over new admissions.
Please read the instructions on OpenApply carefully before starting your application.
Please complete application on desktop browser:, or click here to view the application.
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