I would like to tell you my story. The first time I came to Shanghai was in 2009, and let me say this, “Yeah! I agree. That was a long time ago.” I got a scholarship from my university to join the language exchange programme in Donghua University here in Shanghai. Since then, it has been a combination of challenges and of major discoveries, too. Shanghai is a mesmerizing mix of East and West cultures, and it is like no other city in China. This is why I liked it then and still like it now.


You will find in Shanghai people from all over the world, various experiences and activities, a wide array of cuisines, and diverse professional opportunities. However, my personal disclaimer is this—my relationship with Shanghai wasn’t love at first sight. It’s more like that kind of relationship that you need to work on, slowly and scrupulously, understanding and accepting each other’s differences without judgment. Once you have accomplished these goals, you can trust me when I say that you will definitely be rewarded. “Jia you!”


*One of the first Chinese words you really should know is “Jia you!” which literally translates to “add oil.” It’s an expression to mean any of the following-- “Come on!”, “Let’s go!” or “Make greater efforts!”


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